91. Statue honoring the Fox, viewed as a messenger of the gods, at the famous Fushimi Inari Shinto Shrine, honoring the god of rice ("inari") here for over 1,200 years. (6:10 am, May 12, 2024, Kyoto)

92. Entrance to the trail up the mountain lined with thousands of torii gates, each one installed in return for a donation to the shrine. (6:14 am, May 12, 2024, Kyoto)

93. The tunnel of torii gates going upwards, and therefore having no writing visible. (6:17 am, May 12, 2024, Kyoto)

94. The tunnel of torii gates going upwards, with lantern. (7:06 am, May 12, 2024, Kyoto)

95. Shinto shrine with miniature torii gates part way up the mountain trail. (6:41 am, May 12, 2024, Kyoto)

95. Shinto shrine with more miniature torii gates part way up the mountain trail. (6:45 am, May 12, 2024, Kyoto)

97. Starting back down the trail, and therefore seeing the good luck requests written to face the mountain top behind me. (6:45 am, May 12, 2024, Kyoto)

98. Going back down the trail, and therefore seeing the good luck requests written to face the mountain top behind me. (6:45 am, May 12, 2024, Kyoto)

99. Winding section Going down the trail, and therefore seeing the good luck requests written to face the mountain top behind me. (6:57 am, May 12, 2024, Kyoto)

100. Near the bottom of the trail, with lantern and written question in English, "Who will be the next hero?". (7:09 am, May 12, 2024, Kyoto)