1. A Bucolic Scene (Piedmont, CA, June, 2020)
1. A Bucolic Scene (Piedmont, CA, June, 2020)
2. There's Always A Goat On The Bench
2. There's Always A Goat On The Bench
3. Long Shadows And Soft Light In The Late Afternoon Sun
3. Long Shadows And Soft Light In The Late Afternoon Sun
4. Forehead Rubbing As A Greeting
4. Forehead Rubbing As A Greeting
5. Typical Head-Butting Confrontation
5. Typical Head-Butting Confrontation
6. Locking Horns
6. Locking Horns
7. A Confronatation Brewing at the Watering Bucket
7. A Confronatation Brewing at the Watering Bucket
8. The Goat in #7 Winds Up for the full head crash into her momentary enemy, who won't really care
8. The Goat in #7 Winds Up for the full head crash into her momentary enemy, who won't really care
9. Beautiful Brown in Radiant Late Afternoon Sunshine
9. Beautiful Brown in Radiant Late Afternoon Sunshine
10. Same idea
10. Same idea
11. Eating Leaves in a tree
11. Eating Leaves in a tree
1. A Bucolic Scene (Piedmont, CA, June, 2020)
1. A Bucolic Scene (Piedmont, CA, June, 2020)
2. There's Always A Goat On The Bench
2. There's Always A Goat On The Bench
3. Long Shadows And Soft Light In The Late Afternoon Sun
3. Long Shadows And Soft Light In The Late Afternoon Sun
4. Forehead Rubbing As A Greeting
4. Forehead Rubbing As A Greeting
5. Typical Head-Butting Confrontation
5. Typical Head-Butting Confrontation
6. Locking Horns
6. Locking Horns
7. A Confronatation Brewing at the Watering Bucket
7. A Confronatation Brewing at the Watering Bucket
8. The Goat in #7 Winds Up for the full head crash into her momentary enemy, who won't really care
8. The Goat in #7 Winds Up for the full head crash into her momentary enemy, who won't really care
9. Beautiful Brown in Radiant Late Afternoon Sunshine
9. Beautiful Brown in Radiant Late Afternoon Sunshine
10. Same idea
10. Same idea
11. Eating Leaves in a tree
11. Eating Leaves in a tree
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